At Futuru, we are committed to maintaining ethical and responsible business practices. We recognise the seriousness of modern slavery and human trafficking issues, even within the education and training sector. This policy outlines our dedication to preventing and addressing these issues.
Futuru vehemently condemns all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking. We are unwavering in our commitment to ensuring that our organisation, as well as our supply chain, remains free from any involvement in these practices. We will not tolerate forced labour, child labour, or any exploitative conditions in any aspect of our business.
Futuru is fully committed to adhering to all relevant laws and regulations concerning modern slavery and human trafficking, no matter where we operate. We will actively stay updated on changes in laws and adapt our policies accordingly.
Our leadership team is responsible for the effective implementation of this policy. It is the duty of every Futuru employee, contractor, and supplier to understand and comply with this policy. Anyone suspecting or encountering modern slavery or human trafficking concerns should report them immediately to their supervisors or designated contacts.
Futuru will conduct regular risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential modern slavery risks within our organisation and supply chain. We will implement due diligence procedures to ensure our suppliers and partners uphold similar ethical standards.
Futuru will provide training and awareness programs to our employees, contractors, and suppliers. This training will equip them with the knowledge and tools to recognize and respond to modern slavery and human trafficking risks.
We encourage individuals within Futuru, including employees, contractors, and suppliers, to report any suspicions or concerns regarding modern slavery or human trafficking promptly and confidentially. We have established mechanisms to protect whistleblowers from retaliation.
Upon receiving reports of suspected modern slavery or human trafficking, Futuru will conduct thorough investigations. If violations are confirmed, we will take appropriate remedial actions, which may include terminating relationships with non-compliant suppliers or notifying relevant authorities.
Futuru remains committed to enhancing our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking continually. We will periodically review and update this policy to reflect changes in the legal landscape and our evolving business practices.
Futuru stands resolute in our mission to eliminate modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations and supply chain. Our collective commitment to this policy contributes to a world free from exploitation and unethical practices.