Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) is a legal requirement. This course will help you understand the importance of reporting accidents and incidents.
Acquired Brain Injury – Advanced

Acquired brain injury (ABI) is a multifaceted, and often life-altering, condition that can result from a variety of causes, including traumatic events, strokes, infections, and more. This course is designed to provide you with a deeper understanding of ABI, from its underlying causes to the various rehabilitation strategies and support systems that can significantly enhance the quality of life for individuals affected by this condition. Whether you are a healthcare professional seeking to expand your knowledge, a caregiver looking for valuable insights, or someone personally affected by ABI, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the challenges and opportunities associated with acquired brain injury.
Dementia Skilled

Dementia is a devastating illness. This course helps us to understand it and learn how best we can support those with dementia.
Safeguarding Children Level 3

Safeguarding means promoting the welfare of children and young people, from all forms of abuse. This course will look at stepping up and understanding how to best support children in need.
Managing Death in a Health and Social Care Setting

Understand how to best manage death in a health and social care setting in a sensitive and appropriate manner. Finding out a service user has passed away when you make a visit can be very upsetting for all. Even when it had been expected, it can be very overwhelming. This course will look at understanding what to do on the initial discovery, the types of death that you may encounter and how to manage the discovery accordingly.
Moving & Handling Inanimate Objects

Learn essential knowledge and skills needed to manage the challenges of moving and handling inanimate objects. In the healthcare sector, the safe and effective handling of individuals and equipment is important to ensure their well-being and the well-being of you as a healthcare professional.
Safeguarding and the Protection of Adults Level 3

Welcome to the Safeguarding adults level 3 course. Throughout this course, you will explore effective safeguarding practices, including identifying signs of abuse, engaging in person-centred approaches, understanding legal and ethical responsibilities, and collaborating within a multidisciplinary framework.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

You may not think you work with or come into contact with hazardous substances, and you may even be thinking what actually are hazardous substances. If that’s the case, take this training to find out more about COSHH and what this means.
Down’s Syndrome Awareness

Helping us to better understand and support individuals with Down’s syndrome.
Stroke Awareness

While strokes are the fourth largest cause of death in the UK, it’s estimated that 70% of them could be prevented and better managed. And in this course, we’ll explain how.
Motor Neurone Disease

Motor neurone disease is a rare degenerative condition that affects an individual’s mind and body. Despite its rarity, it’s estimated up to 5000 people may be living with in the UK at any given time. Take this course to find out more!
Self Harm

Self harming is a rising issue throughout the UK and the wider world. Unfortunately, there is still a lot that people aren’t aware of or misunderstand. With this course, we hope to change that and empower you to spread the right information.
Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease, often known as ‘Parkinson’s’, is a condition that affects the brain, causing symptoms such as shaking and stiffness of the limbs.

Phlebotomy is the art of using a needle to take blood from a vein, usually for laboratory testing. It’s a really common procedure, so it’s good to get it right!
Enteral Feeding (PEG)

Eating, drinking, and providing medication is a vital part of care, and understanding enteral feeding will help ensure that you can provide the exceptional care to those individuals who cannot process food in the regular way.
Dystonia Awareness

Dystonia is a movement condition that’s estimated to affect at least 100,000 people in the UK alone. However, it’s something most people know very little about. Take this course to learn all you’ll need to know regarding this illusive condition.
Suicide, Alcohol and Drugs

Substance abuse and suicide are serious issues that can have devastating consequences. This course provides essential knowledge and understanding to help you support individuals who may be struggling.
Personal Care

Deliver compassionate and respectful personal care with confidence. Providing personal care is a rewarding but demanding role. This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to deliver exceptional care, ensuring individuals receive the support they need to maintain their independence and dignity.
Verification of Expected Death (For Nurses)

Verification of expected death is a sensitive and important responsibility for healthcare professionals. Empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to navigate end-of-life care with confidence. This 30 minute course is aimed specifically at registered nurses who may be working with individuals in end of life care or be expected to verify a death.

A laryngectomy requires special care and support. We will look at both pre and post op care and help you understand the different areas of consideration to best support an individual living with a laryngectomy.
Continence Care Awareness

Empower yourself with knowledge to provide compassionate continence care.
Liberty Protection Safeguards – Looking Forwards (Wales)

Liberty Protection Safeguards replaces the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) system, this course will update you on what you need to know about protecting individuals liberty when working in care in Wales.
Liberty Protection Safeguards – Looking Forwards (England)

Liberty Protection Safeguards replaces the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) system, this course will update you on what you need to know about protecting individuals liberty when working in care in England.
Learning Disabilities and Autism Awareness

Learning disabilities and autism present in many forms and there is a wide range of support needed. We will help you better understand the range and concerns of learning disabilities and autism, to ensure you can offer the best support to the individual.
Catheter Care

Catheters for some individuals can be a sensitive subject and one that requires discretion and a level of privacy, however in care you are likely to commonly encounter these. Within this course we’ll look at several elements of using a catheter as well as how to deal with issues as they arise.
Epilepsy and Seizure Management

Would you know a seizure if you saw one? You might say yes because you’ve seen films where someone has dropped to the floor whilst foaming at the mouth, and their body jerks in a unusual fashion. But what if I told you that there are more than twelve different types of seizures all with different symptoms and presenting differently. This training course aims to help you understand what epilepsy is and how this can affect an individual, as well as the different types of seizures you might encounter.
Oral Health in Care

Sore tooth or yellow teeth? Need a filling and unsure of the options available? Or maybe you want to know what warrants good oral health and what counts as bad? These are all the types of questions we hope to answer in this training course around oral health.
Ligature Awareness and Prevention

Knowing what’s involved when an individual in your care is at risk of harming themselves with ligatures is one thing, but managing the initial shock and having the confidence to respond as quickly and effectively as possible to a ligature emergency is a very specific skill set. Let’s learn about these skills together.

Distress behaviour and reactions can escalate fast. We will guide you through a positive behaviour approach to effectively de-escalate a situation without having to restrain.
Behaviours of Concern eLearning

Do you deal with individuals who express behaviours that sometimes make you uncomfortable or upset? If so, take this training course to get some tips and guidance on how to effectively manage these behaviours.
Monkeypox Awareness

Over the past few years, words like virus and pandemic have been in the news and something that by now, we’re all familiar with, however, Monkeypox is now another word that we’re hearing or seeing in the news. This course aims to provide you with the basic knowledge of what it is, what it looks like, and how to deal with it if encountered so that you can be confident in your role and help spread the correct awareness.
Duty of Candour

Within care, we all have a level of duty or responsibility put on us which protects the individuals we work with. However there may be responsibilities or guidelines you’re unaware of, specifically around the Duty of Candour. Take this training course to learn everything you may need to know or do in order to correctly carry out your role.
Tracheostomy Care

A tracheostomy is a lifeline for many, but they can be daunting to care for when unfamiliar. Consisting of ten short videos, this course will provide you with an overview of what a tracheostomy is, and how to clean, change and manage it. The course also explore how communication can be affected following a tracheostomy.
Basic Observations

Master the art of observation with our Basic Observations for Healthcare Staff course. In this short course, you’ll learn the vital skills to accurately monitor an individual’s health, including their heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate, and identify potential issues.
Airway Management

Ever been short of breath? Ever had a coughing fit so intense you couldn’t catch your breath? For most people, breathing is something we do without even thinking about it, however for some individuals, specialist equipment or assistance is required to help them breathe normally. Let’s help you understand issues surrounding breathing and how to best support individuals.
Mental Health Awareness

Understand mental health, challenge stigma, and build resilience with our Mental Health Awareness course.
The Mental Capacity Act

Everyone deserves the right to make their own choices. The Mental Capacity Act is a vital piece of legislation that ensures individuals are supported and protected when they’re unable to make decisions for themselves.
Bowel Care and Management

Unlock the secrets to effective bowel management and improve quality of life with our comprehensive Bowel Care & Management course.
Autonomic Dysreflexia

More than 40,000 people live with a spinal cord injury in the UK alone. Taking this course will provide you with the necessary information to understand the impacts and how to effectively care for an individual with autonomic dysreflexia.
Acquired Brain Injury

Acquired brain injury (ABI) survivors can appear to be functioning with no impairments, which means that when their understanding doesn’t match ours, or their behaviours change with seemingly no warning, it can be difficult to adapt to. This course will provide an understanding of how ABI’s can affect the different aspects of an individual’s life and how best to provide the care that they require.
Sepsis Awareness

Sepsis is the body’s overwhelming and life-threatening response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death. Your understanding of this medical emergency is vital as it would require rapid diagnosis and treatment for an individual in your care.

Diabetes is a serious lifelong health condition that occurs when the amount of glucose, or sugar, in the blood is too high. If not managed properly as part of care provision, the result can be fatal. Understand the importance of monitoring and effectively managing an individual with diabetes in your care.
Health, Safety & Welfare in Care

Workplace injuries can be catastrophic for those in care. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) estimates that there are approximately 600,000 non-fatal workplace accidents in the UK each year, so having an awareness of how to work safely can not only minimise the risk of harm to you but also to those you work with and provide care for.
Fire Safety in Care

Care environments present unique challenges which we may not be exposed to in other settings and professions, for example individuals being bed-bound or less mobile. Therefore, the consequences of getting fire safety wrong has a higher risk of a tragic outcome.
End of Life Care

The term ‘end of life’ usually refers to the last year of life, although for some people this will be significantly shorter. If care professionals, family members and loved ones are all clear about an individual’s preferences for treatment in their final stages of life, you’re all free to devote your energy to care and compassion.
Professional Boundaries in Care 360 Video

Meet Josh, a support worker, and Steve who is an individual with learning difficulties being supported with independent living in his home. Josh is trying to find ways to connect with Steve in the wake of his brother’s recent death, but what you’re about to watch is how easily professional boundaries can be breached in the care sector.
Professional Boundaries in Care

The ability to build meaningful and trustworthy relationships with the individuals you support and care for is a vital part of your role as a care professional. However, professional boundaries are those rules and limits that prevent the lines between care professional and individuals in your care from becoming blurred.
Infection Control Level 2

Stay safe, stay healthy: Empowering you with infection prevention and control knowledge in the UK.
Person-Centred Care Planning and Record Keeping

Care plans are the way in which we plan and agree on how an individual’s health and social needs can be met, and how good health and wellbeing can be supported. But without excellent record keeping to go with it, care professionals can struggle to provide the person-centred care that individuals deserve.
Medication Administration in a Care Home

As humans, we often take medications to treat or prevent illness. Medications can be dangerous though, even when they’re meant to improve our health. Therefore, as a healthcare professional, it’s important to recognise these risks and learn more as to the right way to administer medications.