The Mental Capacity Act

Everyone deserves the right to make their own choices. The Mental Capacity Act is a vital piece of legislation that ensures individuals are supported and protected when they’re unable to make decisions for themselves. 

This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to apply this important law in a compassionate and effective way.

Understanding Mental Capacity: Grasp the concept of mental capacity and how it relates to decision-making.
The Core Principles: Learn the five fundamental principles of the Mental Capacity Act.
Assessing Capacity: Develop the skills to determine if someone has the capacity to make specific decisions.
Best Interests Decisions: Understand how to make decisions in someone’s best interest when they lack capacity.
Advance Planning: Explore options for people to plan for a time when they might lose capacity.
Legal Frameworks: Learn about Lasting Powers of Attorney, the Court of Protection, and Independent Mental Capacity Advocates.

Key outcomes:

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand what mental capacity is, how the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) relates to it and who the act concerns
  • Be familiar with the five core principles of the MCA
  • Know how and when to assess an individual’s mental capacity
  • Understand how to assess an individual’s best interests
  • Explain how individuals can make plans in advance to protect their wishes and decisions should they be unable to make them themselves in the future
  • Know the role and powers of a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and the Court of Protection
  • Understand the role of Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) in making decisions on behalf of an individual who lacks capacity.

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