Duty of Candour

Within care, we all have a level of duty or responsibility put on us which protects the individuals we work with. However there may be responsibilities or guidelines you’re unaware of, specifically around the Duty of Candour. Take this training course to learn everything you may need to know or do in order to correctly carry out your role.

This course will help you to understand the importance of duty of candour and what your responsibilities are when working with individuals, as well as the consequences that can occur when it is not applied.

Key outcomes:

  • Understand what Duty of Candour is
  • Know how to apply it when working with service users
  • Be able to explain the different types of Duty of Candour
  • Know what is meant by Definitions of Harm
  • Be aware of your responsibilities if an incident occurs
  • Know who to contact in order to uphold your Duty of Candour
  • Understand the key steps of an investigation

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