Depression Awareness

Equip yourself with a comprehensive understanding of depression, and learn how to support those affected with compassion and empathy.

This course will provide you with a deeper understanding of depression, a common and serious mental health condition. You’ll learn how to recognise the signs and symptoms of depression, explore various causes and risk factors, and develop empathy and compassion toward those affected.

Additionally, this  course will provide you with practical strategies for offering effective support, while emphasising the importance of self-care and maintaining professional boundaries to ensure your own wellbeing too.

Key outcomes:

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify the key physical, emotional, and behavioural indicators of depression
  • Distinguish between normal mood fluctuations and clinical depression
  • Understand the impact of depression on an individual’s daily functioning and quality of life
  • Be aware of the main treatments for depression
  • Recognise the potential biological, psychological, and social factors that can contribute to the development of depression
  • Identify how certain life events, personal circumstances, or underlying medical conditions may increase an individual’s vulnerability to depression
  • Appreciate the challenges and stigma often faced by those living with depression
  • Have a non-judgmental and supportive attitude when interacting with individuals experiencing depression
  • Recognise the importance of active listening and emotional validation in providing care
  • Identify effective communication techniques to encourage open dialogue about mental health concerns
  • Understand the role of referrals and collaborating with mental health professionals in the care process
  • Promote self-care, coping mechanisms, and access to relevant resources for individuals with depression
  • Know what to do in an emergency or crisis
  • Understand the potential for caregiver burnout and the need to maintain personal wellbeing
  • Develop strategies to manage your own emotional responses and maintain appropriate professional boundaries when caring for individuals with depression.

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